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No New Posts Hatching Sands

Waves of heat rise from the almost white sands of this open-roof cavern. More cavern than arena, the opening above is so far away that rain fall rarely makes it to the sands' floor. Towards the back of the cavern is a large furor of an almost complete circle, deep enough to cause harm minor to someone that fell in. The rampart is in line with the ground entrance for when the dragonets hatch they can be funneled forward. In the center of the circle lay the treasure of Pern, the newest clutch, guarded by their mother.

Soft hissing can occasionally be heard as steam rises through pores below the floor. So newly extinct is the volcano that houses this small Weyr, the molten fluid underneath it has yet to cool.

These Hatching Sands are warmer than usual at Weyrs. This makes the Hatching Sands almost impossibly hot to walk on and let alone stand on for the length of time a Hatching takes. The leather-workers have been forced to come up with special Candidate sandals to allow those potentials to make it through the Clutch. Candidates are required to these sandals in order to gain the ability to walk and stand on the Sands. These sandals have thicker soles than ordinary Candidate sandals to ensure the teenagers can survive the sweltering sands.

Above the Sands themselves are the Stands from which the audience watches. Certain seats are reserved for dignitaries, including the upper echelon of the Weyr and the Lord Holder.

The Weyrbowl can be accessed from the Grounds.

Current Clutches: Syndoreth's

Moderators: Valencia, Ariana

1 15 Seeking solace... and snuggles. [Tag: Zayreth]
by Ariana
Dec 10, 2022 13:10:38 GMT -8
No New Posts Stables / Feeding Grounds

Not everyone who lives at the Weyr can always get around on dragon back. Runners are kept at the Weyrs stables and often are lent out to Weyrfolk wishing to travel other places such as the Hold and also to stable mounts of any visitors to the Weyr. There is also a pen with herdbeasts here.

Not far from the fenced perimeter of the stables are several small buildings for Wher Handlers and their Whers. The rooms are snug and have windows. The Wher runs are specially designed for the draconic cousins to reside in darkened enclosures that will make them feel comfortable.

Some distance away from the stables and structures is a large pen. This is meant for the adult dragons, and is a far enough distance away from the stables to ensure a stooping dragon will not frighten the runners and other herdbeasts too badly.

Weyr's Beastcrafter:

Weyr's Wher Handler lead: Drenai

Moderator: Drenai

1 1 In the Stables - Residents.
by Narrator
Nov 28, 2008 1:42:21 GMT -8
No New Posts The Weyrlake

Heated from the thermals that rise through the bottom of the crater the water is in, the Weyrlake is warm Turn-round. Though the water occasionally bubbles and surges, the temperature is always at a constant.

The Weyr was built under the assumption this volcano was extinct. Yet unbeknownst to the generations of residents, it has merely been dormant for a very long time, so long even the best of scientists from old Terran might consider it extinct. However, under the surface of the island chain slowly churning lava runs through lava tubes.

This large lake is a wonderful place to come to bathe dragons or just to hang out and have some fun.

1 24 Stone Skipping (QD20)
by Allegra
Jul 28, 2023 18:52:41 GMT -8
No New Posts Weyrling Barracks

Like the Candidate Barracks, they are split into male and female based on the riders' gender and there are several dorms to hold a good number of Weyrlings.

Similar to the Candidate layout, the main difference in the Weyrling Barracks is that each booth large enough to hold a Weyrling dragon and is equipped with its own sleeping hollow.

A corridor from the barracks leads to a bathing area for dragon and rider, and the main hall for Weyrling lessons. The Weyrlakes are also close by so Weyrlings can practice bathing their dragons in the lake water and play with their young charges.

The Weyrbowl and the Lower Caverns can be accessed from here. The Weyrling Master's office is here.

Sr Weyrling Master: G'naro
Jr Weyrling Master: OPEN

5 25 Clean Up {Open}
by Allegra
Jan 3, 2023 12:21:41 GMT -8
No New Posts Weyr Offices

Situated on a ledge close to the ground entrance of the Weyrbowl, the offices are across the Weyrbowl from the stairs to the dragon weyrs. The ledge between the offices is too narrow for dragons to land upon, and one must climb a series of wide, shallow stairs to reach it.

Two turns ago, during the Great Storm, some of the ledge collapsed. The repairs are new enough to still be visible at the far-end of the ledge.

Most of the senior members of Weyrstaff have their office here. The Weyrling Master and Candidate Master's offices are located in their respective barracks.

Sr. Weyrwoman: Valencia
Weyrleader: Or'west
Jr. Weyrwoman: Ariana
Flight Leader: N'olan
Wingleaders: H'skel, K'tol
Headwoman: Fiducia
Ground Crew Lead: Johnorris

Moderators: Or'west, Valencia, Fiducia, Johnorris, N'olan

2 33 Or'west's Office {Tag Or'west}
by Or'west
May 15, 2023 13:15:20 GMT -8

The Weyrbowl

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Weyr Games {Open; everyone encouraged}
Or'west 23 282 by N'olan
Apr 5, 2024 13:47:54 GMT -8
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newBookmarkLockedFalling Work Day {D20, Open}
Or'west 2 211 by Or'west
Jul 6, 2022 18:57:39 GMT -8


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The Weyrbowl
Within the Weyrbowl are the Hatching Grounds, Stables, Weyrling Barracks, Weyrlakes, and Weyr Offices.

So newly extinct is the volcano that houses this small Weyr, the molten fluid underneath it has yet to cool. The grounds of the Weyrbowl itself are always warm. This proved detrimental during the Great Storm, as the water mixed with the dirt, turning the Weyrbowl into a hot mire.

Although smaller than most Weyrbowls, only able to hold seven full fighting wings, this is more than enough for White Sands' needs. It is kept clean and orderly despite its smaller-than-average size. When the tithe comes, either by land or sea, this is where it is all stacked and piled, waiting for the Weyrwoman and Headwoman to sort out.

Since the Great Storm, volunteers led by Johnorris have covered every foot of the main part of the Weyrbowl with heavy stones, ensuring it will not flood again.

From here, the outside, the Hatching Grounds, the Lower Caverns and the staircase leading to the weyrs can be accessed.

Groundcrew Leader: Johnorris
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Ariana: Added some date tags to the current events to help sort out how long it was between events. May 26, 2022 7:54:16 GMT -8
K'ivan: Welcome avifilopluma! Jun 17, 2022 10:04:07 GMT -8
Ariana: It is nice to see so many visitors. I hope more become members. Jul 6, 2022 15:04:49 GMT -8
Ariana: I broke the Recent Threads plugin. So I added back the two threads that fell off. Hopefully it goes back to working again. Not sure why Kira's post wasn't picked up by it. I might have to reinstall it to really fix it. Jul 22, 2022 16:01:18 GMT -8
Narrator: Any progress on the sidebar? Jul 27, 2022 10:16:55 GMT -8
Ariana: I have fixed the sidebar. Still having some issues but I have contacted the plugin builder about it. Jul 27, 2022 11:28:56 GMT -8
K'ivan: Thanks for fixing the side bar. Aug 4, 2022 9:48:38 GMT -8
K'ivan: New Great Cliffs Candidates for adoption - Dec 10, 2022 13:47:18 GMT -8
Klissi: This is rarely used. Come join us in Discord! Jan 14, 2023 13:01:14 GMT -8
K'ivan: The site is slow but the storylines are moving forward. Gradual trudging into the future... Apr 5, 2023 9:26:02 GMT -8
Ja'ryns: Trudging forward... plod, plod, plot, plot... Apr 18, 2023 14:08:56 GMT -8
Ariana: Yeah we're more active in the discord. :D May 2, 2023 6:59:46 GMT -8
An'zell: Posty goodness! May 5, 2023 14:53:06 GMT -8
Rezi: Hmm Jun 14, 2023 20:51:21 GMT -8
A'ric: Aug 9, 2023 12:08:20 GMT -8
Thread!: Falls... Aug 18, 2023 12:31:12 GMT -8
Considering joining: Is there a hatching planned soon? I keep coming back to look at this site Sept 10, 2023 9:27:23 GMT -8
Ja'ryns: Yes, we're planning a hatching in October as well as December. Sept 15, 2023 12:32:35 GMT -8
Ja'ryns: When it comes to Impressing, activity is the most important thing, so the sooner you join, and the more active you are IC-wise, the better chance you have of Impressing! Sept 15, 2023 12:33:51 GMT -8
N'olan: Curious about who lives at White Sands Weyr? Here's a newly updated list to check out. Maybe you'll find an adoptable character that strikes your fancy: Nov 27, 2023 15:20:51 GMT -8
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